Travel Genie: Things to NOT DO During Vacations!

3 min

Are you travelling anytime soon? Great, we caught you right on time! –Although vacations are meant for destressing, relaxing and overall enjoying your time in a different place, you still need to consider refraining from doing certain things, for your own betterment and the people around you.

To help you out the best way we can, we listed down things you should do during vacations. These “don’ts” don’t just help you benefit during travels but also benefit the place you’re visiting and the people around you–A win-win situation! So to a better travel, below is a list of things NOT to do during your vacation:

1 – Don’t plan and book things last minute

Last-minute planning and booking can cause more harm than good, and not only to your itineraries but also to your pockets. Although last-minute plans and bookings are exciting, these have more cons than pros. To give you an idea of the pros, here is a rundown:

  • Limited options – Making last-minute plans often limits your options for lodging, travel, and activities. Due to limited availability, popular hotels, airlines, and attractions can be fully booked or have higher pricing.
  • Lack of flexibility – Your flexibility about travel dates, destinations, and itinerary selections might be restricted by last-minute planning. Due to limitations on your time, you might have to give up on your ideal routine or pastimes.
  • Higher costs – When the departure date gets closer, prices for lodging, airlines, and other travel-related services usually go up, especially during the busiest travel times of the year.
  • Makes travelling more stressful – Last-minute travel planning can be challenging, especially when you’re juggling time restraints, uncertainties, and unforeseen issues. 

2 – Don’t overplan!

Yes, last-minute planning can make travelling hard but so can overplanning! Overly piling up reservations, activities, bookings and so on can leave you stressed and not have the luxury of flexibility when travelling. A perfect itinerary has a good combination of plans and free time!

3 – Not having a budget

Travelling is costly, to say the least, since you have to consider airfare, transportation costs, food and drinks, shopping, tours and other expenses for necessities. So before booking anything, consider coming up with a budget and during your trip, be mindful of your spending.

Spending too much money might make you stressed out financially and ruin your trip. Maintain your spending plan and cut back on frivolous spending–One example could be staying in expensive hotels when you could be booked into affordable accommodation.

4 – Over packing

Although it’s nice you have EVERYTHING you could possibly need during a trip, there are certain things you can sacrifice not to bring and/or buy during your trip. Bringing along too much luggage may soon become inconvenient and severely limit your freedom and ease of movement when travelling.

It’s crucial to give your packing choices some thought, giving priority to the things you will need for your trip. Embracing a minimalist mindset and travelling light not only relieves the physical strain of toting around extra baggage, but also improves your overall flexibility and mobility, enabling you to move more fluidly and easily between different modes of transportation and destinations.

For this reason, try to simplify your possessions as much as possible, choosing functionality above style, to guarantee a more pleasurable and stress-free journey.

5 – Not respecting locals and their customs

It’s vital to adopt a mentality of cultural sensitivity and awareness while travelling to new places to show genuine reverence for the diverse range of traditions and rituals that make each place unique.  

Something you should know, one of the core tenets of responsible travel is to approach new places with awareness and compassion, avoiding acts or gestures that may unintentionally insult or belittle the local populace.

This means making the effort to familiarise yourself with the customs and cultural norms of the areas you visit. By doing this, you will be able to modify your behaviour and engage in polite and thoughtful interactions with the locals. And doing research these days is pretty easy since everything is on the internet.

Have a fun & stress free vacation with these 5 tips!

To ensure a wonderful vacation this year and many other years to come, consider each of these travelling “don’ts.” Each of these tips can efficiently help you in various aspects of travelling whether it’s planning, budgeting and getting along with locals! Before your trip, you can do a quick scan of these tips to enlighten yourself of things not to do during vacations!     

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