10 Highly Effective Web Design Tips to Improve Your Site Bounce Rate

6 min

how to decrease website bounce rate

If your company or brand has a website that is poorly designed, you run the risk of losing potential customers as a result of the terrible experience that they will have. Therefore, it needs to be appealing and engaging if you want your visitors to remain on your site long enough to carry out the tasks you want them to do. To be of assistance to you, we have compiled a list of the most efficient ways to enhance the design of your Website, intending to lower the percentage of visitors who immediately leave the site. Some of the best web design tips to improve site bounce rate are as follows:

  • Speed Up Your Website
  • Create a Conversion-Friendly Website
  • Utilize White Space
  • Make use of the Visual Hierarchy
  • Importance Of Social Share Buttons
  • Use Colors And Fonts Effectively
  • Include A Frequently Asked Questions Page
  • Include Testimonials, Feedback, Or Reviews
  • Keep Your Navigation Simple
  • Make Your Site Responsive

Speed Up Your Website

Increasing the speed at which your website pages load is the first and most crucial action that you need to take. If your Website loads quickly, Google is more likely to consider it when compiling its search engine results page, often known as the SERP. Remember that your customer’s time is valuable, and do your best to ensure they do not have to wait an excessive amount of time to obtain the information they want.

In order to reduce the percentage of visitors that immediately leave your Website, here are some suggestions for speeding it up:

  • Improving the load speed of your Website may be accomplished in several straightforward ways, one of which is by reducing the file sizes of your photos. Images typically consume a significant amount of bandwidth. It is possible to reduce the size of your picture files, reducing the amount of bandwidth they need while maintaining the same visual presentation on the sites.
  • Delete or turn off any plugins you are no longer utilizing or find necessary. All your plugins will load whenever a visitor accesses your site.
  • Pick a host that can cater to all of your requirements. If you believe that your web host is to blame for the sluggish loading times of your Website, you should consider switching to a new web host that can offer quicker loading times. It is not a good idea to go with the least expensive option. You might be able to save money right now, but in the long term, you can lose much more profit. Choosing a good host is an investment that is well worth making.

Create a Conversion-Friendly Website

Making things as easy as possible for site visitors is one of the most important things you can do to optimize your Website for conversions. They should not have to browse through many pages to get to the product page linked to the homepage. You want them to be able to obtain the information they need with the minimum number of clicks feasible.

Suppose you plan out the user path from your homepage to the endpoint of your primary conversion objective. In the event that there is any misunderstanding along the way, a potential customer of yours may be tempted to leave your site and go to a competitor’s site instead. Of course, you don’t want that in any way, shape, or form.

In that case, you will notice a significant increase in the percentage of visitors that convert into customers. Think about putting it through its paces on your own, and if that’s not possible, enlist the assistance of some trusted associates or close friends to guarantee that moving from one stage to the next is as uncomplicated and straightforward as possible.

In addition, the “call to action” text on your conversion buttons should be as clear and concise as possible. Making them difficult to understand or hazy is not a good idea. Calls to action such as “shop now,” “add to basket,” and “contact us” are all some significant instances of calls to action.

Utilize White Space

White space, sometimes called negative space, is the term used to describe the empty regions on a web page that exist between the various elements of a page, such as text and pictures. While it might not appear much at first glance, white space is a very significant aspect of design. Adding white space and streamlining your Website will do wonders for improving your site’s bounce rate.

The readability of your Website may be significantly improved by strategically using the white space available on the page if your Website has an excessive amount of different types of material. Users may be diverted from the primary conversion points, increasing the likelihood of leaving your site without carrying out the action you want them to do.

Make use of the Visual Hierarchy

The aspects of your Website that are most important to your business should also be among the aspects that attract the most attention. The most straightforward method for determining the efficiency of visual hierarchy is to close one eye. Using vivid colors and high word sizes might benefit the visual order. By utilizing distinct optical signals, you may indicate to your site visitors what aspects of your Website are more vital than others.

Take a few steps back from the screen on the computer, and then close your eyes tightly. Because of this, the entire page will become blurry. You’ll notice that the parts of the screen that stand out the most are the ones with the most vivid colors and pronounced fonts. Check if these are the aspects you want your audience’s attention to be on. If this is not the case, it is highly recommended that you reconsider your Website’s layout.

Importance Of Social Share Buttons

Is there a blog on your site, and if yes, are there social share buttons on each blog post? These buttons should be included at the bottom or in one of the corners of every blog post you publish on your Website. Thanks to this feature, your viewers can share your material on their social media without having to leave your Website. In addition to lowering your bounce rate, increasing brand recognition is another benefit.

You can also add icons for your social media accounts to the major menu of your Divi website to make it simpler for visitors to locate and follow you. In addition, it could persuade their friends or followers unfamiliar with your Website to visit it and see what it’s all about. Keep in mind that the likelihood of attracting new and prospective clients is directly correlated with the number of links that are posted on social media.

Use Colors And Fonts Effectively

Similarly, the typefaces you choose to use on your Website significantly impact its aesthetic. People are unable to read anything that they cannot see. As a result, it is essential that the colors used in the backdrop of your website contrast. Be careful to select colors that go well together and make sense when used in conjunction.

The font choice may substantially influence your audience’s emotional reaction. Employing a wide variety of typefaces is unnecessary; doing so will only confuse your audience. When it comes to the design of websites, Sans Serif fonts are the way to go because they are some of the simplest to read out of all the fonts available. Although using elaborate serif fonts can be a lot of fun, you should save them for headings and logos.

Include A Frequently Asked Questions Page

You will be giving a lot of value to your visitors if you include a page on your Website dedicated explicitly to frequently asked questions about your company and the products and services you provide. If a consumer has an urgent inquiry, one of the first places they would usually go for the answer is on the page that contains frequently asked questions (FAQ).

Customers may become so frustrated that they would abandon your Website if they are unable to discover any solutions there. Because of this, it is recommended that a page of frequently asked questions be created. However, you should maintain it up to date often, particularly if new queries are asked regarding your products or business.

Include Testimonials, Feedback, Or Reviews

Creating confidence in your brand may be accomplished most quickly and efficiently by including on your Website testimonials, comments, or reviews written by past customers who were honest and trustworthy in their presentation. According to a study by the Spiegel Research Center, over 95 percent of internet consumers start by reading customer evaluations before purchasing.

It is important to remember to include client testimonials and comments on your Website to establish credibility and encourage site visitors to become paying customers. Also, check to see that people won’t have any problem locating them or navigating around them.

Keep Your Navigation Simple

Maintain a straightforward and uncomplicated approach. When a website’s navigation is too harsh for its visitors to manage, they will frequently leave the site. When developing this component, most individuals tend to go overboard. Regarding navigation, try to keep things as simple as possible. If you include an excessive number of alternatives in your navigation, it will only serve to confuse your consumers.

The standard protocol recommends keeping the corporate logo visible at all times and positioning it in the upper left-hand corner of the page. Additionally, it needs to be clickable, which should take people to your homepage. If you do so, visitors will be able to effortlessly return to your Website’s homepage no matter where they are in your content.

Make Your Site Responsive

You must have been exposed to this topic countless times. However, this web design best practice should be done several times because it is essential. It is because more than half of all internet traffic originates from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Because of this, it is essential to ensure that your Website is mobile-friendly and responsive. If this is not done, it may appear unorganized and cluttered when viewed on mobile devices. Because of this, consumers will have a negative experience visiting your Website, ultimately leading them to leave.


A website’s usefulness is directly proportional to the number of people actively using it at any given moment. If you get a steady amount of traffic but cannot convert that traffic into customers or long-term readers, then you have a problem with the percentage of people who leave without taking action. The percentage of first-time visitors that immediately leave your Website without converting is known as the bounce rate. The percentage of site visitors that immediately leave after seeing just one page is known as the bounce rate. The above-discussed article covers efficient web design tips that help the audience improve the bounce rate.

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